Category: Helge Lien Trio
2011-12-15 | Helge Lien Trio, News
Natsukashii is nominated for Spellemannprisen
Helge Lien Trio’s Natsukashii (Ozella Music 2011) is nominated for Spellemannprisen, the Norwegian equivalent to the “Grammy Awards”.
2013-09-16 | Helge Lien Trio, News
New drummer in Helge Lien Trio
Our good friend and master of the grooves, Knut Aalefjær, is moving on to a new playground. In comes the renowned Per Oddvar Johansen: A versatile and powerful drummer, a…
2014-08-20 | Helge Lien Trio
Germany and Japan tour announced
Helge Lien Trio will tour in Germany and Japan this autumn. Check the “Live” section for details!
2015-06-30 | Helge Lien Trio, News
New CD with Adam Baldych & Helge Lien Trio
We’re happy to announce the release of our latest project, a collaboration with the fantastic polish violin player Adam Baldych. The CD “Bridges” will be released on ACT Music in August…
2015-10-08 | Helge Lien Trio, News
Adam Baldych & Helge Lien Trio premiere
2016-02-02 | Helge Lien Trio, News
“Bridges” voted as album of the year in Poland
What an honor! The album “Bridges”, with Adam Baldych & Helge Lien Trio is voted as the best album of 2015 in the Polish magazine Jazz Forum! Congratulations also to…
2018-01-09 | Helge Lien Trio, News
Guzuguzu nominated for Spellemannprisen!
I’m really happy to announce that Guzuguzu by Helge Lien Trio is nominated for the Norwegian “Grammy” – Spellemannprisen. This is a great honor for us! The winner will be…
2018-08-15 | Helge Lien Trio, News
Helge Lien Trio autumn tour 2018
Helge Lien Trio will play some nice gigs this autumn!
15/09/18 | Brasov Jazz & Blues Festival, Romania
18/09/18 | Trondheim Jazzforum, Norway
19/09/18 | Sortland Jazzfestival, Norway
2020-05-17 | Helge Lien Trio, News
New single – new trio!
On May 22 Helge Lien Trio will release a new single, NIPA REVISITED, with a brand new line up! Knut Aalefjær is back on drums after seven years, and master bassist…
2023-03-16 | Helge Lien Trio, News
Website is updated
My server has updated to a new PhP-version, and because of that I had to make some major updates to my site. First of all, please note that the dedicated…